Friday, April 27, 2007

Low Cost Marketing - Products & Memberships

I've put together a list of some good and top quality products and memberships that can help you with your online business. Whether your in need of more traffic (who isn't) more products to sell, more content to add to your sites or blogs, as well as those other vital steps to having a successful online business that will continue to grow and bring your profits.

The first few products I will list are related to generating more traffic - the life blood of your business. It's the one thing you must have to success - whether your doing adsense sites, affiliate promotions, building your list, selling products or whatever else you may be doing.

The only reason I am list several different products for generating traffic is not only because you need targeted traffic but the products range in different levels of pricing, not everyone can afford the big ticket products - no matter how good they are, so one of the other products may be better for your budget.

1) John Reese - Traffic Secrets Home Study Course
John has decided to stop selling Traffic Secrets because he has decided to create a new version of it that will be release later this year. He is blowing out the remaining copies. If you don't know about John Reese or his Traffic Secrets Course, he was the first marketer to hit $1 Million in sales in just 1 day of the launch of Traffic Secrets which was sold at $997 and has never been sold for a penny less until now.

2) Maximum Overdrive
Woody truly knows how to get traffic unlike 99% of people. The significance of his past experience is huge because these webmasters have had to battle all types of hoops and hurdles in the past to get their messages seen. Throughout this cat and mouse game, Woody learned a ton of valuable info about traffic that can be applied to any niche.

3) Stealth Traffic System
The Ultimate Supreme Online Traffic Tactics! Find out how come these are the most incredible, jaw dropping, slam dunk, brain dead simple and over the top successful all-in-one solutions for online traffic and conversion strategies. Discover how come the most successful marketers got to have the Stealth Traffic System to 100% guarantee a Category 3 hurricane of targeted traffic and bursting bank account!

List Building

Nickel Mania X
What would you do if you could sit in a room with two of the best list-builders on the Internet? Well now you can... Gary Ambrose and Keith Wellman have released the recordings of the private, "Same List, More Profit" workshop. This is a live video on DVD that will be sent right to your door.

Once it comes to your door, just put it in your computer or dvd player and you will be able to starting learning their simple, yet very effective tactics that they're currently using to make 6 firgures or more a year with their lists.

Online Marketing Awards - Cast Your Vote
Also if you haven't already hear about the 2007 Online Marketer of the Year Award, your in for a treat. Not only do you get to vote for your favorite marketer but you get free access to some of the best content, tips and strategies ever revealed.

There are 50 top marketers competiting for awards covering several different topics and each marketer is doing a 1+ hour webinar. The information there are giving you is geared toward being the best in order for you to vote for them. You get free access to all these webinars and get to leave your comments which will determine the results of who wins the award for 2007 top marketer.

Here are just a few of the competitors: Russell Brunson (Host), Dan Kennedy, Mark Joyner, Mike Filsaime, Brad Fallon, John Carlton and a host of others. If you are struggling at any point in your business, this will definitely be a rewarding event.
Online Marketing Awards - Cast Your Vote

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

No Cost Marketing Tools To Help You Create Information Products

The article below is by Jimmy D. Brown, it provides you with the knowledge to create no cost information products. Jimmy also a great membership called List & Traffic. In the membership you will learn how to grow your traffic and build a large list of subscribers. Also every month you will receive an audio newsletter on new strategies to building your list and and increasing your profits through your list. You get access to a downloadable library of articles, reports, tools and more. There's also a members only forum to get additional help and strategies from. And best of all, the cost is about the same as a pizza.

Want to see more, watch the video now!



How to Make More Money With Information Products Than Ever Before By Using Three Powerful NO COST Tools

By Jimmy D. Brown of “Small Reports Fortune”


It’s all under your control.

If you sell information products and want to make more money with them, there’s good news:

It’s all under your control.

That’s right, you can make more money with your information products simply by doing something that you have the power to do.

It’s not dependent upon anyone else. It’s up to you.

Let me explain …

While there are a lot of different aspects of selling information products, there are really only two ways to make more money with them …

Sell More
Refund Less

Really, it’s pretty much that simple.

In order to make more money with information products you need to either SELL MORE or REFUND LESS.

Or, better still, do BOTH.

Now, in the many years I’ve been selling information products, I’ve found there are three powerful tools that will help you do just that.

You can use these three tools to SELL MORE by using them on your classified ads, solo mailings, sales letters, autoresponder messages and virtually any sales tool.

You can also use these three tools to REFUND LESS by applying them to the information products you create.

Care to find out what they are?

Read on …

*** Three Powerful Tools ***
What makes these tools so powerful is a combination of important benefits

* They don’t cost a penny to use.
* They work over and over again.
* They are under your control.

In fact, you already have them.

These three powerful tools are WAYS TO USE WORDS.

Tool #1. Education. When it comes to information products, nothing comes close to the power and profitability of educating your readers.

I’m talking the distance between the planet Pluto and the computer screen you’re now staring at.

Not even remotely close.

Content is king. Nobody else gets to wear the crown or sit on the throne. Content rules the land of information products.

So, first things first, you gotta give your readers information that educates them. You gotta teach them something.

Do this in your promotion tools (ezine articles, reports, sales letters, etc.) and you’ll have readers thinking “This person knows something … I better take a closer look.”


Educate customers in your information products and show them how to produce results in their own lives and you’ll make them happy, satisfied customers.


Tool #2. Entertainment. To be completely honest, it’s not enough to solely provide content. Even if it’s good content, that won’t always get the job done.

Think of it this way: your high school civics teacher provided you with (too much) content in a single 55-minute class, but would you really buy anything from him?

Maybe a hall pass or a set of earplugs, but that’s about it. :o )

Nobody likes to read BORING content. We turn off boring television programs, we fall asleep reading boring books and we keep our credit cards tucked firmly inside our pockets
when we read boring sales letters, ezine articles, solo mailings or special reports.

Make it fun. Make it entertaining. And you can do that by using …

* Illustrations
* Funny stories
* Analogies
* Outrageous statements

I once wrote an article entitled “I’ll Swallow A Live Grasshopper If This Doesn’t Boost Your Website Traffic”.

Do you think anyone read it?

Ask yourself this: would YOU like to read it?

We love to have a good time, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t apply that reasoning to your writing.

Keep readers interested as they consume your promotion materials by entertaining them.


Help customers enjoy reading page after page of your product by entertaining them.


When you add entertainment to education, you’ll make more money with information products …

… faster than you can say “ “LIVE GRASSHOPPER.” :o )

Tool #3. Emotion. Whether it’s outrage over an injustice, excitement over a success or piqued interest over a possibility, our emotions drive us.

Few decisions are based on intelligent analysis, but rather on emotional response. Few actions are based on accurate data, but rather on impulsive feelings.

We are emotional people. And there is no stronger proof of that than to watch what we do and to listen to what we say.

Your job is to get us emotional. Fill us with hope. Empower us. Give us courage. Motivate us. Issue a challenge. Inspire. Get us to do something.

That’s what we really want. More than education, more than entertainment – we want someone to compel us to do something to make our lives better.

And the power and profits go to the ones who can do that.

Fill readers with hope and expectation with your marketing materials.


Give your customers confidence and enthusiasm as they read chapter after chapter of your information product.


*** Conclusion ***

If you want to make more money with information products, then you CAN do it. You’re in charge. It’s under your control.


Three powerful tools that lead to incredible profits.

But, only if you use them.

Some will read this article and discard it like they have done with countless others.

And some will get busy.

I think you’ll be one of the few who will make more money.

Prove me right.

Jimmy D. Brown is the author of “Small Reports Fortune” - if you can write 7-15 page small reports, you can earn a living online working just a few hours each week from your home.
Look for his EXCLUSIVE formula “Creating A Six-Figure Income With Small Reports” at Small Reports Fortune

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