Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Free Wealth Building System

Got a few things I want to talk to you about today. First of all, some people may be getting the wrong idea about somethings that get posted here, so I wanted to give you a better idea. For the most part, I try to keep just the free quality stuff about internet marketing and ways of improving your business.

But when I find really good products, services or other resources that may have a trail or are a really good price. I try to keep the prices low around $25 or less, every now again it may go a little above that. Also 99.9% of the stuff I recommend, I have used in the past or have recently purchase and in see value in.

Now most people may think this marketing blog is for just for visitors or returning fans, but it is also a resource for myself as for some things I find and learn I add here as a place where I can come back to when I need it again. (This way I don't have to search through all of my bookmarks... as you probably know this can be a real pain!)

Ok, moving on.. if you have already checked it out or got your hands of Russell Brunson's - Free Dotcom Wealth Building System, then go there now because I know you won't want to miss this excellent opportunity. The stuff he is giving you is definitely top notch and up to date... I'm loving it.

Have fun, later.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Low Cost Entry To Top Marketing Course

Hi everybody,

Today, I have something very special and exciting for you to get your hands on.

Last night I found out that Russell Brunson's has put together a 90-day "DotComSecrets Apprenticeship Challenge." In the challenge, not only will you learn strategies from Russell but you will learn from his entire team. Also as a part of the challenge, the chosen winner will win a 2-year lease on a brand-new Corvette.

Here is some of what you can expect to get with this course:

- The Wealth Building Portfolio:
1 DVD, 2 CDs and the best training information available.

- Desktop Mentor Software:
Daily video from Russell teaching you steps to complete for that day.

- DotComSecrets Insider Newsletter and DVD of the Month
: 30 Day Trial

- Immediate Access to Apprentice
Level 2 of the membership site

And much more....

After you review what you are getting here, the decision will be extremely easy. To get an idea what type of deal your getting, it's worth $997 and all you have to pay in shipping. But you have to act fast, at the time of writing this, there is only 17 copies left.
DotComSecrets Wealth Building Portfolio

If you aren't in the position where you want to be or where you want to be in your business, this is definitely going to change that. I have been a big fan of Russell's teaching almost since the time he started and have learned a lot of excellent information from him.

So last nite, when I came across this (around 11pm) I order the course once I discovered the amazing value he is giving away. Then access the membership site and stayed there for over 8 hours, I just couldn't break from. I was so excited I couldn't even sleep.
DotComSecrets Wealth Building Portfolio

So by now you might have figured it out, but he is one of my favorite marketing mentors and I highly recommend any of his stuff.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Did You Pick This Up Already?

And the Buzz Goes On – How to Use Viral Marketing

Before we get into the meat and potatoes of how you can use viral marketing to help get a buzz going about your small business, let's start with a definition of exactly what "viral marketing" means.

According to the Wikipedia, "Viral marketing and viral advertising refer to marketing techniques that use preexisting social networks to produce increases in brand awareness, through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of pathological and computer viruses. It can be word-of-mouth delivered or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet.

Viral marketing is a marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to pass along a marketing message voluntarily. Viral promotions may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, images, or even text messages."

If you've ever had a hotmail, yahoo or G-mail account, you've participated in a viral marketing campaign every time you sent an email to someone – because the company inserted a small (and usually discreet advertisement) at the bottom of all of your outgoing emails – inviting the people you were communicating with to receive their own free email account.

So how can you put a viral marketing campaign together for your own business – and more importantly, do you even want to?

Let me answer that second question first, okay? YES! You definitely want to take the time to brainstorm your own viral marketing campaign – even if you don't someday want to be as big as hotmail, yahoo or Gmail.

Why? Because according to a recent survey done by Forrester Research, people are almost 65% more likely to trust a review posted by a peer – or even a complete stranger – than they are to trust the marketing or sales information put out by the company.

Don't believe me? Check out and I-tunes. Why is this the case? Because as consumers we tend to think that the average "Joe Blow" has less of a personal agenda when posting his review about the latest "Dixie Chicks" album and so we give it more weight.

And, by the way, this is a normal reaction – it's one that's kind of hard-wired into all of us. People have always shared the things they like – or hate – with their friends and family members. Back in the 50's and 60's, our grandparents used to talk to their neighbors over the "back fence," call each other on the phone or tell their friends during lunch. The difference is, these days we use the Internet and cell phones.

What's interesting though, is that with the popularity of the Internet, our trust - and believe in "social proof" – has become even stronger.

By creating your own viral marketing campaign, you'll be doing more than getting the word out about your new affiliate product. You'll be gathering social proof – and that will help your sales to go through the roof.

So how do you set up your own viral marketing campaign? The first thing to do is to get back to the basics.

Here's the real "secret" to making a lot of money with affiliate products. Have the right product, with the right message to the right people in the right time.
Viral Ebook Explosion

So start with your affiliate product. Make sure that there's a hungry audience for whatever you're selling.

Then make sure that you're sending out the right message – an in the right way. If you're marketing a product to teens, you'll want to make sure that it's something they want – and you'll have to reach them where they're hanging out. That might be on MySpace, twitter or even Friendster.

What's the right message? Maybe it's a special report. But it could just as easily be a video. Or an audio mp3 file. Match your message to your audience. And finally, make sure that you're getting your message out at the right time – when your audience is ready to buy it.

Make your viral marketing campaign stand out from the crowd – because that's how it's going to get passed around and become viral. By understanding the basics – who your audience is, what they want, how they want to get it and when they want it – all you have to do next is to create something that your audience loves – or hates – or finds interesting enough – to pass around to their friends.

And because your product comes with an implied endorsement – social proof – those people will pass it around to other people – and the buzz goes on…and on…and on…and you'll start hearing the "ka-ching!" of your cash register going off a lot more often.

Free Access For A Limited Time!
You Can Now Quickly Create Your Own Branded Cash
Producing Viral Ebooks With Just A Few Clicks

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

SEO Techniques That Pulls Free Traffic From The Search Engines

Here is a great report that shows you how to pull in free traffic from the search engines from using the proper search engine optimization techniques combined with mini sites to dominate any niche market.

Read the free report

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